Friday, December 2, 2011

Rising above Mediocrity

Good Morning! I'm excited about writing down thoughts, ideas, hopes, and dreams as they apply to my life and to my family. I'm not sure what all I have to say but will try to make it relevant and involve aspects of daily life which most influence me and my family.

The boys are off to school, husband is hard at work, and I'm busy working on Christmas activities and responsibilities that come along with being a stay-at-home mom. I have put outside work "on hold" for now. I am a speech-language pathologist who is taking a break from work and focusing on family and the short time we have together. That meaning--I have a senior in high school and a sixth grader. They grow up so fast and, yes, "time does fly by too quickly."

My day began with the typical rush of getting everyone ready for work and school. But before all that began, I opened my eyes this morning and thanked God for the experience of waking up and having such an amazing family. I asked him for strength and endurance to deal with all that this day would bring--some good things and not so good things. I asked for time management to accomplish all that was on my plate and to remove those aspects of "me" that make me settle into mediocrity. Mediocrity is my worst enemy! Ok well, pride is a close second! I've kind of decided they go hand in hand. They both seem to be firmly planted...but God has been working on me lately about making changes with regard to mediocrity.

I never realized that how I spend my "down time" is still a part of God's plan for my life. I need to remember that every activity and thought needs to be in accordance with his plan. You know how you hear or read a new word and then all the sudden, you seem to come across that new word all the time? That recently happened to me but it has been an illustration. The illustration is that Jesus cannot continually live on the cross AND on his throne. He is grieved when I keep reverting back to my "old sin nature" and ask him to remove a sin time and time again. I'm keeping him on the cross. He has finished the work on the cross and I need to die to those things which keep me from allowing him to prevail. I need to be on the cross daily dying to those old sin habits which keep me from being a clean vessel ready to serve him. I need to keep him on the throne in my heart!

Mediocrity and its hold on me has taken its toll for too long. What is mediocrity? It is defined as moderate to inferior in quality; not exceptional quality or ability. I allow mediocrity to infiltrate in so many areas of my life. When my pride tells me it's okay to fritter away hours on things that don't glorify God, I'm only fooling myself. God is not fooled. He sees what I'm doing and I have no excuses. Hebrews 4:13 says, "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."

Two weeks ago at Bible study, our leader asked a question that has really impacted me. She asked, "Are comfort and immediate gratification more important than God and do they forfeit the blessings from God?" The answer is "Yep" pretty much. This was yet another confirmation from God that I've got to look at the things I'm doing that may cause me to miss out on the blessings he has in store for me. He has already blessed me with new creative ways to honor him as I have given up some of my old ways! "Come near to God and he will come near to you." (James 4:8) I will be showing the ways he has done this in my next post...and I've got pictures!

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